Saturday, August 12, 2006

Art from the Heart Mail Art Call - in support of Hurricane Katrina survivors

Art from the Heart

Mail Artist Carla Cryptic would like to invite you to participate in an art lottery to help speed the recovery of a small community devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi is 50 miles east of New Orleans,Louisiana and 90 miles west of Mobile, Alabama, right in the middle of the hurricane’s wind and storm surge. It’s population of 8000 is a close knit community which has always placed a high value on its artistic and environmental heritage. Along with all of the practical items lost in the aftermath of Katrina went the more esoteric, but equally important, items such as art. Bay Saint Louis was listed as one of the top ten small art communities in the US by USA Today before events overtook the town. It is hard to measure the impact of the loss of art in anyone’s life but as an artist myself, I know how much of a boost it would be for me to receive new art as a random act of kindness from another artist somewhere around the world or even just a city or state away.

The documentation for this show will be unusual in that there will be a lottery held to distribute the art received randomly throughout the community. Both 2D and 3D art are welcome and there is no size limit other than your being able to get it there via mail or hand delivery. The lottery will not involve money but people have to show that they live in Bay Saint Louis to enter and receive art. The art will be displayed at the city’s one remaining, little damaged, historic depot. After the lottery, the art will be photographed with the person who receives it and a copy of that photograph, and a letter of thanks from the city’s director of cultural affairs, will be sent to the artist. I will also create an online version of the documentation, if possible with photos but, at the bare minimum, with a list of participants. (Please note: if you sell your work, you may set a value for the art you send in and the city will provide you with a letter of donation you can use with your tax return.) The most important thing is to send something which you would like to receive in a similar situation. There is no theme other than that intent.

For this particular mail art event, it is okay to send your work inside of other packaging if you like. On the other hand, if the process of mailing is part of how you envision your piece, please feel free to send it unwrapped.

The target date for the exhibit and lottery is October 1, 2006. All art may be mailed or shipped to:

City of Bay Saint Louis Art Lottery,
Attention: Mike Cuevas,
P.O. Box 2550,
Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520


hand delivered to:

1928 Depot Way,
Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520
(Monday-Friday, 8-5).

Carla Cryptic


At 4:06 PM, Blogger carlacryptic said...

It has been a couple of years since this project began and the final documentation is still unfinished. OTOH, the art sent in was a real boost to a lot of people's morale. Unfortunately, the day to day struggle to survive a disaster of this magnitude made it difficult to focus on things like this. I know that the artwork and the idea of strangers sending things from the heart had a positive impact but the problems of getting lives and communities back on track is too big a job to leave time for following up on things like this. Thanks to everyone who participated. When, and if, I get the names and addresses of all who participated, I will send out my own documentation, no matter when it happens.

At 1:19 AM, Blogger carlacryptic said...

Thanks, Ruth. I'll try to be a little more active here in future! I've been pulled in too many directions and active in too many groups, I think.


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