Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nudity in Mail Art - Deadline: 02/14/09

Come participate in my new mail art call "Nudity in Mail Art" by sending your thoughts, feelings, images, and ideas about nudity in mail art (or any kind of art, really!). This call came into being because of a discussion thread at IUOMA (International Union of Mail Artists) at Ning Network and I would especially like to invite all artists to include male nudity as well as female nudity in your work. One of the things the discussion concerned was why most nude models in life drawing classes are female. I have hosted several male nude swaps over the years, at Nervousness and elsewhere, and I am a big proponent of the male nude body. But, all aspects of nudity are welcome.

Please note that, in some countries, nudity going through the mail system is illegal so please keep that in mind when sending your work to me. I will be accepting regular mail art (which is viewable by everyone along the route), mail art inside of envelopes, and email art.

All work will be included, no judging, no returns; everyone who participates will receive documentation.

For more on this call, including a link to the discussion at IUOMA, please follow this link:
Nudity in Mail Art Call for Entries

Send all entries to Carla Cryptic, PO Box 1274, Berkeley CA 94701, USA -or-

by February 14th, 2009.

Thanks for your participation!

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